
Brand: Sun Ten Formulas

Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang 100 capsules


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Product Description

Sun Ten Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang 100 capsules

Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang is a traditional Chinese herbal formula also known as Tu-Huo and Loranthus Combination.

To learn more about the history of this formula on our blog, read here.


Pubescent angelica root (du huo),Loranthus twig & leaf (sang ji sheng), Eucommia stem bark (du zhong), Achyranthes foot (niu xi), Large-leaf gentiana root (qin jiao),Cassia bark (rou gui), Siler root (fang feng), Sichuan lovage rhizome (chuan xiong),Dong quai root (dang gui),Poria sclerotuim (fu ling),Asian ginseng root (ren shen),Rehmannia cured root tuber (shu di huang),Sichuan aconite cured lateral root (pao fu zi), Chinese lcorice root & rhizome (gan cao),Chinese peony root Without bark (bai shao).

Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang 100 capsules Reviews