Product Description
Hu Zhang Granules, 2gm sachet
Brand: TCM Zone 5:1 Singles
English name: Giant Knotweed Rhizome Granules
Chinese name: Hu Zhang Granules
Unit Size: box of 40/2 gm packets
Potency: 5:1 extract granules
Taste: Bitter - Bensky
Properties: Cold - Bensky
Contraindications: Pregnancy - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology: wind-damp painful obstruction, traumatic injury; trubid vaginal discharge, turbid painful urinary dribbling; Burns, carbuncles, skin infections, snakebite; Cough due to Lung heat - Bensky
Actions: Invigorates the blood, eliminates wind, expels dampness, transforms phlegm, cools heat, resovles toxicity - Bensky
Pattern: Bloos stasis, Damp-heat, toxicity, Lung heat - Bensky
Channels Entered: Liver, Gallbladder, Lung - Bensky
Ingredients: Hu Zhang - Giant Knotweed Rhizome
Excerpted from Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
- Invigorates the blood, dispels stasis, unblocks the channels, and stops pain: for amenorrhea, wind-damp painful obstruction, and traumatic injury.
- Clears heat and resolves dampness: for damp-heat jaundice, turbid vaginal discharge, and turbid painful urinary dribbling.
- Clears heat and resolves toxicity; for burns, carbuncles, and other skin infections, and snakebite. Usually the fresh ground herb is applied locally for these problems, in addition to any internal consumption.
- Drains heat downward, transforms phlegm, and stops coughs: for cough due to Lung heat. Also for constipation due to clumping of heat.
Note: TCMZone products are intended to be used by those who are under the care and supervision of a LICENSED health care professional.